Dycem Jar Opener Blue
Jar Opener * Jar Opener Is Dome Shaped To Fit Comfortably In The Palm Of The Hand * Effective On Screw-top Jars Including Child Resistant And Tamper-proof Lids *

Dycem Pad -- Blue 5.5 Diameter
Can Also Be Placed Under Everyday Items Like Telephones Calculators Writing Paper And Even Pet Bowls To Prevent The Items Slipping Whilst In Use * Holds Plates Securely Whilst Eating Thus Reducing...

Dycem Reel 16 X 6'6 Yellow
* Used By Many Occupational Therapists Physical Therapists And Healthcare Professionals As An Effective Anti-slip Material * Original Materials Is 0.4mm * It Is Non-slip On Both Sides And Flexible *...

Dycem Reel 8 X10 Yd. Red
* Used By Many Occupational Therapists Physical Therapists And Healthcare Professionals As An Effective Anti-slip Material * Original Materials Is 0.4mm * It Is Non-slip On Both Sides And Flexible *...