Ice It! A-pack 4.5 X9 Refill For 10078e Neck/jaw/sinus
For Use Alone Or As A Refill * Stays Flexible When Fully Frozen To Mold Around Painful Area * Quickly Reaches Freezing Temperature * Maintains Low Temperature Longer For Optimum Therapeutic Benefit...

Ice It! Coldcomfort System Shoulder 13 X 16
Ice It! Coldcomfort Shoulder System Is Designed To Curve Around The Entire Shoulder With Large Cold Packs In Both The Front And Back Sections For Maximum Effectiveness * Helps Relieve Pain And...

Ice It! Coldcomfort System Medium 6 X 9
Ice It! Coldcomfort? System - Medium/6 X 9 *ice It! Cold Pack: Stays Flexible When Fully Frozen To Mold Around Painful Area *quickly Reaches Freezing Temperature *maintains Low Temperature...

Ice It! Coldcomfort System Knee 12 X 13
Ice It! Coldcomfort Knee Therapy System Is An Articulated Design That Surrounds The Entire Knee For Maximum Therapeutic Benefit * Comfortable Secure Fit Lets You Relax Or Allows You To Continue...