Leg Bag Curity Large 25 Oz Each
Large 25 Oz * Anti-reflux Valve * Longer Catheter Adapter For Greater Security With All Types Of Catheters * Twist Valve For Easier Emptying And Less Spill - No Bottom Cap To Lose Or Misplace * Soft...

Leg Bag-medium 600 Ml W/valve Bx/12
Medium. 600 Ml With Valve Bx/12 * Durable Yet Soft Comfortable Vinyl Construction Provides Optimum Performance And Comfort * Valve Provides Simple Non-drip Closure * Anti Reflux Valve Prevents...

Seal-tight Original Cast Prot. Pediatric - Medium Leg 17
Pediatric * Medium Leg 17 Long * The Easy Durable Way To Stay Dry * Recommended By Doctors For Showering And Bathing Seal-tight Original Cast And Bandage Protector Is The Best Watertight...

Imak Smart Glove Medium Each
Fits Knuckle Width Up To 3-3/4 * The Patented Imak Smartglove Helps Prevent And Relieve Wrist Pain Including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome * The Smartglove Encourages The Hand And Wrist To Remain In A...

Nylon Covered Toe Cap Medium (each)
* Surround Toes With Soft Foam To Relieve Discomfort From Corns Ingrown Nails Blisters And Other Problems * Hand-sewn Nylon Cover For Durability And Comfort * Extra Toe-tip Padding