Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint Medium-male 6-10;female 7-11
* Suggested Hcpc Codes L4396 L4387 L4397 * Mediuml Male 6-10; Female 7-11 Shoe Sizes * Indications: Designed To Treat Plantar Fasciitis Achilles Tendoritis And Heel Pain * Allows The Patient To...

Slipper Socks; Large Sky Blue Pair Men's 7-9 Wms 8-10
Non-skid * Single Tread * Terry Cloth * Socks Ideal For Patients In Hospitals Post-surgery Nursing And Retirement Homes * Slip-resistant Treads Used In Hospital Settings To Help Prevent Accidental...

Shoulder Immobilizer Female Medium 30 - 36
Female * Medium Fits Chest Circum. 30 -36 * 6 Wide Elastic Chest Band With Web Straps * One Humorous Cuff One Forearm Cuff With Hook And Loop Closure * Female Support Is Contoured In Front For...

Airheel Medium M 7-10 W 8-11
Shoe Size: Med * Men 7-10 Women 8-11 * An Effective Modality For The Dynamic Functional Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis And Achilles Tendonitis * With Each Step The Aircast Airheel Provides...

Arch Cradles Medium Women's 9-10 Men's 7-8
Small Fits Women's Shoe Sizes 7-8 & Men's Size 6 * Gently Supports Weak Or Flat Arches Cradles Heels And Protects Ball-of-feet To Ease Pain * Inserts Fit Comfortably In Most Footwear * 3/4...