Visco-gel Stay-put Toe Separators Medium Pk/2
?hourglass? Shape For All-day Comfort * Separate And Align Crooked Or Overlapping Toes * Absorb Pressure And Friction Between Toes * Loop Keeps Separator In Place * Gel Softens & Soothes * Gel...

Visco-gel Toe Separators Large Pk/2
* Soft Gel Spacers Absorb Pressure And Friction To Relieve Rubbing Pinching Cramping And Between-toe Corns * Gel Releases Mineral Oil And Vitamin E To Soothe Irritations Soften And Moisturize Skin

Visco-gel Stay-put Toe Spacers Medium Pk/2
Designed To Stay In Place * Made With Visco-gel That Slowly Releases Mineral Oil And Vitamin E To Sooth Soften And Moisturize Your Skin * Separates And Aligns Toes That Rub Together * Slip The Soft...